Thursday, October 06, 2005

Pointless Ponderings

Today I am haunted by oddball curiosities, wondering about things it better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission? And, how is it we could run out of places to dump our garbage? Couldn't we just dig a deeper hole?

Not that I am an advocate for garbage. If I was, however, I think my operating system would be in it. Oh, wait, this isn't the Computer Circus, is it?

What great weather we're having today! For a change. I'm usually freezing my butt off up on this hill. Maybe I just need to dig a deeper hole.


  • At 7/10/05 3:42 PM, Blogger Tracey said…

    Depending upon the situation I believe it's better to go ahead and do what needs to be done and ask for forgiveness later...

    Does that make sense?


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