Saturday, September 09, 2006

Questor, Day 6 - Templates

I cut out some of the remaining templates for the tail section. This thing keeps undergoing design changes, so it's hard to keep up. There are so many things to consider, it is difficult to keep it all straight. But I think I figured it out, now.

I found a use for the bad boom sticks - they will be cut and used in the fuselage section. So, not all is lost. That's good news. I picked up some more wood to make the new tail boom, and got some glue, and some various other things, including a coping saw.

I also picked up this awesome book that has a bunch of building techniques, etc., including how to make tools and jigs for certain tasks. I quickly dug into my stash and put together a bevel sanding jig, which I am sure I will make good use of. Eventually. It was one of the projects in the book.

I guess I needed a little side project to distract me from the main one for a bit. I also added some PVC pipe to the structure that is currently holding my airplanes so that I could stack this pile of wood I have collected thus far for the Questor project. It was cluttering up my workbench and getting in my way. Now it is up hanging over my head, no doubt ready to drop down on me at any moment.

As I mentioned, I cut out some more templates.

Templates for Questor's tail

I still have a long way to go, but if you would have asked me what I was making today, I would have said, "progress."

That's always a good sign.

I'm going to see how much more I can do before the night is over, though I don't know when I'll actually get to building the new boom, since there are still a couple of details to work out.

By the way, I just got back from seeing the movie An Inconvenient Truth. If you haven't seen it yet, GO SEE IT!!! It's an absolute must, especially for the skeptic naysayers who don't believe in global warming.


  • At 10/9/06 7:08 AM, Blogger Tracey said…

    Progress is a good thing!

    Remember.... little steps and K.I.S.S. ;)

  • At 10/9/06 7:11 AM, Blogger Tracey said…

    OH! On a semi-related side note...

    Hubby was exploring our soon to be new hometown and found a HUGE RC club with the landstrips for planes, tracks for cars/trucks and a nice sized pond for boats. He wants to get back into it and thinks it'd be a fun hobby for us a family. (he used to build rc trucks/off road vehicle type of things)

  • At 10/9/06 8:07 AM, Blogger Jude said…

    Yup, progress is a good thing!

    Sounds like a good movie to see Bill, I'll have to check it out one of these days!


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