Saturday, January 20, 2007

Pick Your Pic

I'm looking at a bunch of pictures that my wife and I have taken over the years. I am curious which ones you like the best. I have created some thumnails to choose from. I know it is REALLY hard to tell about some of them, as they all take on an entirely different impression in their full size versions. But just from what you can see, give me your votes on your favorites (you can pick more than one).

1:Picture  #1 2:Picture  #2
3:Picture  #3 4:Picture  #4
5:Picture  #5 6:Picture  #6
7:Picture  #7 8:Picture  #8
9:Picture  #9 10:Picture  #10
11:Picture  #11 12:Picture  #12
13:Picture  #13 14:Picture  #14
15:Picture  #15 16:Picture  #16
17:Picture  #17 18:Picture  #18
19:Picture  #19 20:Picture  #20
21:Picture  #21 22:Picture  #22
23:Picture  #23 24:Picture  #24
25:Picture  #25 26:Picture  #26
27:Picture  #27 28:Picture  #28
29:Picture  #29 30Picture  #30
31:Picture  #31 32:Picture  #32
33:Picture  #33 34:Picture  #34 35:Picture  #35
36:Picture  #36 37:Picture  #37
38:Picture  #38 39:Picture  #39
40:Picture  #30 41:Picture  #41
42:Picture  #42

I just threw that last one in there, because I like it. That's my wife.
By the way, my wife took photos #5 through #11, #19, #23, possibly one or both of #24 & #25, #27, #32, #34, and possibly #36 (although that one is highly debatable). I took all the rest. She takes better pictures than I do, and yet, she takes so few. She's quality, and I'm quantity, I guess. ;)

Man, I gotta tell ya - looking at these now, as small as they are...they just don't look like much. When it comes to photographs - size really matters. A lot of these just don't look like anything at this size - especially #30 & #31.

Anyway, do your best - tell me which ones you like.

P.S. Think "blog skin".


  • At 20/1/07 6:50 AM, Blogger Tracey said…

    Hmmm..... i'm a sucker for outdoorsy types of things and I love mother nature at her best, so this is HARD!

    Lets see....

    1,2,4- love the colors

    16,17- i've always been fascinated with the 'old man' cactus (cacti?)

    35,41- love the ocean and all her moods

    In all honesty I can see blogskin possibilities in all those pictures! (i know, i'm no help)

  • At 20/1/07 9:39 AM, Blogger Jude said…

    #1, 2, 4, 10, 11, 35, and 41.

    I'm looking again, and #1 and #10 are doing it for me even more....

    You didn't tell us this would be so hard! LOL

    But I can "see" you doing something similar to this:
    C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures\pic10b.jpg

    You're the maestro when it comes to computer stuff though Bill, I'll bet my next paycheque that whatever you come up with will rock our socks off! :-)

  • At 20/1/07 1:37 PM, Blogger Jude said…


    C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures\picbill2.jpg


    C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures\picbill27c.jpg

    Oh dang this is FUN! LOL

  • At 20/1/07 1:44 PM, Blogger Bill said…

    Jude - I can't see your images unless you put them up online somewhere with a link to them. :(

  • At 20/1/07 10:39 PM, Blogger Jude said…

    Dang, sorry Bill! I opened them up with an internet explorer page and copy/pasted that link here. I thought it would work.

    Couldn't think of anywhere else to put 'em for you so I posted them on my "practice blog". This is the link to that post. HOPE IT WORKS! LOL

  • At 21/1/07 3:10 PM, Blogger Kate said…

    I like 4,10, and 27. But, what is 28?

  • At 21/1/07 6:17 PM, Blogger Jude said…

    I thought it was a dragonfly on a car antenna thingy??

  • At 21/1/07 6:54 PM, Blogger Tracey said…

    It is a dragonfly, and looks to be a BIG one, but I can't tell what it's sitting on.

  • At 21/1/07 7:22 PM, Blogger Kate said…

    I thought it was a dragonfly, too, but damn! I've never seen one that big before! Is it from Texas or something?

  • At 22/1/07 7:53 AM, Blogger Tracey said…

    If I saw one that big flying towards me, i'd be flashing back to the old 'B' horror flicks I watched growing up! LOL

  • At 22/1/07 8:48 AM, Blogger Kate said…

    Can you imagine how that thing would hurt if it hit you when you were riding on a motorcycle? Yeow!!!

  • At 22/1/07 11:46 AM, Blogger Tracey said…

    Kinda makes you rethink the whole 'bug between the teeth' thing, huh? LOL

  • At 23/1/07 12:30 AM, Blogger Bill said…

    I think maybe it looks bigger than it was, since I was able to get such a close-up shot of it. But it was big enough to be quite a mouth-full at over 50 MPH. :)

  • At 24/1/07 2:12 AM, Blogger Jude said…

    Eeeewwww! LOL Toothpick, anyone?

  • At 2/2/07 1:39 PM, Blogger daveawayfromhome said…

    There are a lot of nice ones there, but I like 32 and 34, because they're more about compostition than the others are.


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