Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Ready, Set...

OK, 2007 is here. Now what?

OK, maybe I'll start by going to Grass Valley. Yeah, that's what I'll do. I'll leave in the morning. Early.

Okie dokie, now I'm in Grass Valley. Perhaps I'll go look at some land.

Looked at some land and ate some great Chineese food yesterday.
What to do today, what to do?

Signed offer on land yesterday - now waiting for word from seller. Had a good time with the wife last night (mine) - ordered take-out from a Mexican restaurant owned by a friend of a friend. Drove home, took a shower, then went back across the bay to visit a friend who is up from Bakersfield for training - the same friend who knows the owner of the Mexican restaurant. Visited for a few hours, drove home, and now I'm going to bed.


  • At 11/1/07 6:03 AM, Blogger Tracey said…

    Now you start to make the new year everything you want it to be ;)

  • At 11/1/07 7:04 PM, Blogger Jude said…

    Tracey just stole the woids from my mouth! LOL

    Let's see....... you post more often, you get that land you want, you finish your Questor, you post more often here, and did I say you post more often here? Hee Hee

  • At 13/1/07 8:16 PM, Blogger Tracey said…

    Speaking of grass valley and land...... what happened to the property you were looking at in Indiana (i think that was the place)????

  • At 15/1/07 1:45 PM, Blogger Tracey said…

    Signed offer on land yesterday - now waiting for word from seller.

    OMG! How exciting! Please let us know what happens!

  • At 16/1/07 5:21 AM, Blogger Jude said…

    Well????? Are we doing the happy dance yet or what?? :-)

  • At 19/1/07 8:40 PM, Blogger Tracey said…

    Okay we've been patient all week, but it's quickly starting to wear thin!

    WELL????????? Are we dancin' or not???


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