Thursday, January 25, 2007

Plea for Identity

I have begun a process. A long process. A very long process. I have hundreds of old cassette tapes, some dating back to when I was probably 8 years old, where I have recorded a ton of weird crap. Everything from me reading horrible jokes from a book (that I amazingly still have), to making sound effects, to recording (audio only) stuff from television.

I was a weird kid. It explains a lot about my current weirdness.

Speaking of weird, I am now in the process of digitizing all these tapes into my computer. Like I said, it's a long process. If I do one tape a day, it will take me over a year to record them all. Then I want to go through and compile a "best of" collection. Who knows how long that will take.

Anyway, there is a song that I caught the tail end of, that you should be hearing now (unless you are using a browser that won't play it), and it has haunted me for years. I have NO IDEA what the song is, but I absolutely must know. It is just one of those burning mysteries of my life that I need to solve.

If you have ANY idea what the song is, PLEASE let me know! I remember I called a radio station once and played it for the DJ, but he didn't know what it was. I gave up easily. But here it is, once again in my life, and now I have a means of putting the word out for someone to identify it.

If you don't know what it is, send all your blog-hopping friends on over to step up to the challenge. I believe the song was recorded (on my tape) sometime in the '70s. I will be forever grateful to whomever can reveal this secret to me!

UPDATE: I may have a clue. Following this song snippit on my tape was a recording of me tuning around on the radio, and there was a car commercial for a 1979 Oldsmobile. So, this at least establishes a time frame of when this snippit was captured on my tape. Man, that's like 28 years ago!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Pick Your Pic

I'm looking at a bunch of pictures that my wife and I have taken over the years. I am curious which ones you like the best. I have created some thumnails to choose from. I know it is REALLY hard to tell about some of them, as they all take on an entirely different impression in their full size versions. But just from what you can see, give me your votes on your favorites (you can pick more than one).

1:Picture  #1 2:Picture  #2
3:Picture  #3 4:Picture  #4
5:Picture  #5 6:Picture  #6
7:Picture  #7 8:Picture  #8
9:Picture  #9 10:Picture  #10
11:Picture  #11 12:Picture  #12
13:Picture  #13 14:Picture  #14
15:Picture  #15 16:Picture  #16
17:Picture  #17 18:Picture  #18
19:Picture  #19 20:Picture  #20
21:Picture  #21 22:Picture  #22
23:Picture  #23 24:Picture  #24
25:Picture  #25 26:Picture  #26
27:Picture  #27 28:Picture  #28
29:Picture  #29 30Picture  #30
31:Picture  #31 32:Picture  #32
33:Picture  #33 34:Picture  #34 35:Picture  #35
36:Picture  #36 37:Picture  #37
38:Picture  #38 39:Picture  #39
40:Picture  #30 41:Picture  #41
42:Picture  #42

I just threw that last one in there, because I like it. That's my wife.
By the way, my wife took photos #5 through #11, #19, #23, possibly one or both of #24 & #25, #27, #32, #34, and possibly #36 (although that one is highly debatable). I took all the rest. She takes better pictures than I do, and yet, she takes so few. She's quality, and I'm quantity, I guess. ;)

Man, I gotta tell ya - looking at these now, as small as they are...they just don't look like much. When it comes to photographs - size really matters. A lot of these just don't look like anything at this size - especially #30 & #31.

Anyway, do your best - tell me which ones you like.

P.S. Think "blog skin".

Friday, January 19, 2007

Changes Are A-Comin'

Well, escrow has been opened on the land. We are awaiting all the disclosures and crap. I'll be going up to Grass Valley next weekend (a week from today) to look at the land and take care of some business. And to clear up some additional issues (God, this has been one screwy transaction, though I'm not going into any details). The pump in the well is really good, and we still have to do an appraisal and all the necessary inspections, etc., to make sure this deal is golden.

It better be.

I'll dance when the deal is done. Because once the deal is closed and the loan is secured, I CAN FINALLY CHANGE JOBS!!! That is one horror story that I will NOT get into here...just yet.

On the home front (and on a lighter note), I feel my blog may be getting a face lift. Either, I will butcher it royally, myself, or perhaps someone else will come along and skin my blog alive (I heard rumblings about some sort of "blogskin team" traipsing about). Either way, it should be interesting. I have collected a bunch of photos that my wife and I have taken - tried to pick out the best of the best. My thought was I would use bits and pieces of them to fashion a blog skin of sorts around my haphazard musings. But like I said, I may butcher my blog in the process. I'd get my wife to do it, if she had any free time to speak of, because she's good at that sort of thing.

We're both working too damn hard! It's 9:30 p.m. on a Friday and I haven't left the office, yet. But I'm leaving now!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Ready, Set...

OK, 2007 is here. Now what?

OK, maybe I'll start by going to Grass Valley. Yeah, that's what I'll do. I'll leave in the morning. Early.

Okie dokie, now I'm in Grass Valley. Perhaps I'll go look at some land.

Looked at some land and ate some great Chineese food yesterday.
What to do today, what to do?

Signed offer on land yesterday - now waiting for word from seller. Had a good time with the wife last night (mine) - ordered take-out from a Mexican restaurant owned by a friend of a friend. Drove home, took a shower, then went back across the bay to visit a friend who is up from Bakersfield for training - the same friend who knows the owner of the Mexican restaurant. Visited for a few hours, drove home, and now I'm going to bed.